Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our Endless Mess

So, first of all, our place was nice and 'clean' when I came home. I went to the bathroom & heard a 'plastic-baggy' sound. Then Hayley came in and said "Mommy, I gave Hannah Cherrios!

So, Hannah was IN HEAVEN. She rolled around, giggggling, smashing handfuls of cheerio's into her mouth as fast as she could...
So, I pulled the vacuum out, and sucked the Os up.
Then, I was doing some typing & heard the familiar plastic bag sound. Hannah had rolled under my desk-chair & grabbed the bag of AppleJacks that I was munching on. RRRrrrr.
So, then, I was making Hannah's supper & heard a crash. The "Purple Pig" (bank) flew off the top of the garbage can & smashed in half... creating THIS:
A pool of pennies. Well, Hayley thought it was funny that the Purple pig was in two. Hannah was DYING to get in that pool & shove those round shiney things in her mouth.



Carrie and Mike said...

I thought swimming was fun but Hannah has the right idea, roll around in stuff you can eat!

Lois said...

I once woke up to Laura (about Hayley's age) saying, "Eat your medicine baby." When it sank in I lurched out of bed to find Carrie in her crib chewing madly. Laura was holding a nearly empty jar of TUMS!

Poison control said it wouldn't hurt her...Cheerios are much safer!