Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

This week brings back so many fond memories.  It is the week we traditionally had our first "Break" from school! MEA weekend.  When I was in Junior & Senior high, our youth group always went to the MEA retreat or SHOUT as it was later known. 

How much fun was that weekend?!  Well, it was the first opportunity to see most of your camp friends since the summer.  It was an opportunity to see all the cute boys that didn't go to camp.  We usually got to see our Camp Counselors/Staff members because most of them lived at Bethel & would come visit with us.

We stayed at the Salvation Army camp near Silver Lake Road in Shoreview/Saint Anthony.
We went to Bethel & had volleyball & 4 vs. 4 basketball competitions, that SOMEHOW my team won like 4 years in a row.  There was the singing/instrument competitions that were fun, but I was never "good enough" to WIN WIN. The Bible Quiz.  Oh.  We kicked butt at Bible Quizzing.  (well... we would usually take 2nd or 3rd, but still...)
And most of all - during the weekend - we would celebrate the birth of my bestest friend in the entire universe... Chad Gallagher.  Oh, wait.  No. 
(To be fair, she did share birthdays with Chad).

So, all this tripping down memory lane is to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING!"

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