Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is it just me...

Or did June TOTALLY fly by?

Well, my diet challenge went like this in June:

1. Get SUPER fired up to loose weight
2. Get the Jillian Michaels DVD from NetFlix
3. Be totally motivated & do the DVD for 5 days straight
4. Realize how silly I must look to Hannah when I'm trying to do the bicycle crunches (because that SOOOO matters)
5. Realize that reading books is WAY more fun...
6. Take a week off & lend the DVD player to Amanda...
7. Be convicted of this break & take a walk 3 days in a row to the park.
8. Realize it is July & re-dedicate myself to my challenge.
9. Step on the scale & realize Baby Lofstuen was 6" & 11 ounces & I only lost half of his birth-weight... not all of it (but hey! that's 3 1/2 pounds less than I was in May, right?!)
10. Now, I am looking 6 weeks down the calendar & my new goal is... -10 pounds by Florida!!

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